Showing all 16 results
New 8 Hour Cabinet X-Ray User RSO Course
Summary of New 8 Hour Cabinet X-Ray User RSO Course.
This is an abbreviated course for states will accept less then 40hr Of training. See the enclosed list of states or check with your state regulator. (Note: if you are the RSO of an x-unit manufacturing facility, you must still take the 40 hr course).
States that will accept less than 40hr Of training
Live Web Hosted 40 hour Radiation Safety Officer Training
The days of this course are Spring 2025 (March 18, 20, 25, 27, & April 3, 2025) and Fall 2025 (September 16, 18, 23, 25, Oct 2, 2025). This course is for trainees who would like a classroom experience but are unable to travel, and do not have the time to commit to training all in the same week.
Summary of course content for 40 Hour Live Web Hosted Radiation Safety Officer Training.
US NRC 10 CFR 37 Increased Controls Training for Authorized Users
US NRC 10 CFR 37 Increased Controls Training for Authorized Users
US NRC 10 CFR 37 Increased Controls Training for Shippers and Receivers
US NRC 10 CFR 37 Increased Controls Training for Shippers and Receivers
US NRC 10 CFR 37 Increased Controls Security Training for Reviewing Officials
US NRC 10.CFR 37 Increased Controls Security Training for Reviewing Officials